Every weekend, we fill up empty green areas in various Polish cities, and together with the family, friends, known and unknown neighbours, we celebrate eating breakfast together in a picnic atmosphere. Every weekend, you can try many regional specialties from different parts of Poland, various types of exotic food, or choose something else from a wide variety of original recipes prepared by true enthusiasts.
All we do is relax after a busy week in a casual and friendly atmosphere. We gorge ourselves on our favourite food, take part in numerous workshops, play with children on the playground, or just lay on the grass, chasing after rainbows. We spend time together, the air is full of cheerful voices. It's nice, just as it should be. So drop by to meet friends and people who leave nearby; introduce yourself to the neighbours and start the day with the locals.
Food served during the Breakfast Market is prepared by the best local producers and restaurateurs, who first need our approval and invitation. They are true food enthusiasts, who will offer you freshly prepared meals, as well as preserves and other products, which you may take home and enjoy their taste for the rest of the week.
The Breakfast Market is a perfect place for people, who seek for culinary curiosities. There are several dozens of food stands waiting for you every week. Every time the set is slightly different. In addition, there are theme editions, where we invite experts in a given national or regional cuisine. You will certainly find something that suits you most.
Nothing makes us happier than your smiling faces, our dear guests. To increase the appetite, you can participate in fitness classes or do yoga on the grass. Children can spend time at a playground. We also organize various workshops every weekend: culinary, ceramic, art workshops… They’re never the same.
As famous Valentino Liberace used to say: "Food and music are the two best things in life." We agree with him with all our hearts, thus, we put it into practice by introducing live relaxing music to the Market. Yet, we still want more and seek for the best locations, so you can enjoy breakfasting with us even more!
The Breakfast Market is not only about eating and buying food. It feeds the stomach and the soul of local communities, literally and metaphorically. We respond to the needs of the locals, enhance the opportunity to tighten the bonds between neighbours. We spontaneously build social capital, starting from the primary, local level.
If you haven’t visited the Breakfast Market yet, feel invited! You can meet your neighbours here. Sitting at the one big table, in a casual atmosphere, you will be able to befriend people, with whom you had only a nodding acquaintance. Don’t forget to invite your family and friends. It is you, our guests, who create this unique Breakfast Market’s atmosphere. Let’s change the social landscape of Polish cities. It's fun to act locally!
Statistically, there are 12 new friendships established every weekend, every 40 seconds someone bursts into laughter, 50% of the people purrs with delight, while eating, 100% of them walk out positively inspired – all of this taking place during the Breakfast Market! The research was conducted by independent scientists, who received a kilo of “oscypek” (famous cheese from the Polish Mountains) as remuneration for each of them. We are very grateful!
Come and experience delicious and lazy moments at the Breakfast Market.
Drop by to feel the atmosphere with all your senses.
+48 508 121 891, +48 501 189 677
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